Personique Location

630 W 34th Street Austin,
TX 78705 (512) 459-6800

Photo Facial

IPL Photofacial in Austin, TX

Austin IPL PhotofacialIPL Photofacial therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses a technology known as Intense Pulsed Light to reverse the signs of photo aging or sun damage. It is a great treatment option for those who have spent too much time out in the sun and developed freckles or splotchy pigmentation as a result. IPL Photofacial therapy is also great for reducing the appearance of broken capillaries and rosacea.

IPL delivers high intensity pulses of broadband light that does not damage the service of the skin (non-ablative). This light is delivered to the deeper part of the skin (dermis) where it is absorbed by the darker pigmentation (sun spots, freckles, broken capillaries, and redness) which are then heated up to the point where the cells containing the darker pigment fade out, leaving healthier surrounding tissue unharmed.

The vanished pigmented cells then rise to the skin’s surface via the natural cellular renewal process and eventually flake off, leaving fresh, regenerated skin behind. IPL Photofacial treatment also stimulates the production of collagen in the skin which helps give the skin a firmer, smoother texture while tightening enlarged pores.

For successful elimination of sunspots and other blemishes, a patient will likely require multiple photofacial sessions to see optimal results. On average, most patients get ideal results with 4 – 6 treatments, scheduled at four-week intervals. Recovery from Photofacial treatment is minimal since it is a non-ablative procedure.

The IPL Photofacial process will leave your skin with a clear, luminous glow. To learn more about Austin Photofacial therapy, please give our office a call today at (512) 459-6800.



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