Personique Location

630 W 34th Street Austin,
TX 78705 (512) 459-6800


Austin SculpsureWhat is SculpSure?

SculpSure is the world’s first FDA-cleared lipolysis treatment that uses innovative laser technology to sculpt and define the body and remove stubborn fat cells. This non-invasive procedure is ideal for patients spanning all body types who are looking to eliminate fat and create a more toned look on their abdomen or flanks. SculpSure’s state of the art light-laser technology allows for precise, controlled application, and can be used to treat one or more areas with an entirely hands-free device.

SculpSure technology harnesses the power of a 1060nm-wavelength laser to selectively fat cells just below the surface of the skin. Through this selective application of heat and light waves, only the fat cells under the area being treated are affected, causing no damage to the overlying or surrounding skin. Over time following treatment, the body naturally absorbs and passes the fat cells, providing maximum results in as few as three months without the use of needles or surgery.

SculpSure is a safe, fast and effective alternative to invasive procedures for patients who simply cannot get rid of stubborn belly fat through a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Controlled Hyperthermic Laser Treatment

The innovative technology behind SculpSure has been heralded by medical professionals and buzzed about in the media. SculpSure’s controlled hyperthermic laser treatment, able to provide fat reduction of up to 24%, also has a patient satisfaction rating of over 90%. This technique, causing controlled damage to fat cells with laser-light, is a favorite among patients for its many benefits and stunning results. Below are just some of the reasons patients everywhere are choosing SculpSure to sculpt the fat away:

  • The procedure takes only 25 minutes to administer
  • No downtime is required after treatment
  • No damage is done to the surrounding tissue
  • SculpSure tool features Contact CoolingTM for patient comfort
  • Results in as few as 6 weeks, optimal results in as few as 12 weeks
  • SculpSure procedure is non-invasive
  • No general anesthesia is required
  • Fat cells are eventually absorbed and removed by the body naturally

SculpSure Body Contouring at Personique On The Spot in Austin

The professionals at Personique on the Spot are expertly trained to use the innovative hands-free SculpSure device to skillfully sculpt areas of fat on the body, even stubborn fat on the abdomen and flanks, to create a leaner, more toned look. In clinical studies, patients reported the treatments were well-tolerated, comfortable and yielded outstanding results.

SculpSure not only offers a safe alternative to surgery but is virtually painless, and requires no recovery downtime. The acute abilities of the laser to provide precise treatment to only the affected areas also allow for quick, in-office treatment; your beauty professional can administer treatment in just 25 minutes from the comfort of a clinic or outpatient treatment facility. Treatment encourages the body to naturally absorb and eliminate the treated fat cells, yielding results in 6 weeks or less and reaching optimal results in as few as 12 weeks.

At Personique in Austin, board-certified surgeons Dr. Robert A. Ersek, Dr. Randy J. Buckspan, Dr. James M. Sheridan and Dr. Lauren Crawford bring years of experience, skill and expertise to the field of plastic surgery. Our plastic surgery professionals are highly sought after not only in Austin but around the world for our many innovative treatments, including SculpSure among many other body contouring options.

SculpSure Before and After Photos

Other procedures offered at Personique include facial surgery, breast surgery, reconstructive surgery and non-surgical skin rejuvenation techniques. Call us at 512-459-6800 or fill out our online form for your complimentary consultation today!

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