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630 W 34th Street Austin,
TX 78705 (512) 459-6800

Personique On-the-Spot Introduces Kybella

Kybella Injections for Double Chin in AustinKybella Injections for Double Chin

Looking to get rid of your double chin? Ask your Personique On-the-Spot medical spa professional about Kybella – a revolutionary injectable treatment designed to diminish submental fat, or double chin. Many of our patients from all walks of life are looking to improve their profile by eliminating fat and creating a more sculpted look under their chin, which also helps to elongate their neck. Kybella is approved to treat moderate to severe submental fat under the chin, though this patented formula can also be administered safely and effectively at additional injection sites on the body or face. Discuss other uses for Kybella with your dedicated med spa Personique expert.

Will Kybella really shrink my double chin?

Kybella, or deoxycholic acid, is a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that helps to break down or absorb dietary fat. As concentrated in the injectable Kybella formula, the deoxycholic acid begins to destroy fat cells when injected into the double chin, and further disables them from absorbing fat in the future in this area. Through multiple treatments, as Kybella continues to destroy fat cells, the double chin shrinks more and more, creating an increasingly streamlined profile of the chin.

How long does Kybella treatment take?

Each Kybella treatment takes just a few minutes to administer at one of our Personique On-the-Spot locations. To see full results, your med spa professional may recommend up to six treatments, no less than one month apart, with each session requiring a series of multiple minor injections.

When will I see results?

Most patients require multiple treatments, as part of an ongoing process, to completely eliminate their double chin. While it is not typical to see full results after the very first session, the majority of patients see results after two to four treatments at Personique On-the-Spot.

What are the side effects of Kybella treatment?

As with any injectable treatment, some patients experience minor side effects including soreness, redness, swelling, bruising, pain or numbness at the injection site. Kybella has been extensively tested through the use of clinical trials and, while it is always possible for more serious side effects to occur, they are not typical. Your Personique On-the-Spot medical spa expert can answer any questions you may have during your initial Kybella consultation.

Austin’s Own Personique On-the-Spot

At our Personique On-the-Spot locations in Austin, we pride ourselves in offering the latest and greatest medical spa treatments and services, delivered by our team of aesthetic beauty specialists. Our team of dedicated and experienced med spa staff is among the most reputable in Austin. Here, our goal is to help you find the YOU you seek, with a fully customizable treatment plan that may incorporate injectable treatments, topical solutions or other non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures. Whatever you are looking for, let our experts match you with the right services to highlight your natural beauty. Our Personique On-the-Spot staff is here to serve all of your beauty needs at two convenient locations in the Austin area. Call us today to schedule your consultation!


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