Personique Location

630 W 34th Street Austin,
TX 78705 (512) 459-6800


Botox Injections in AustinAustin Botox Injections

Interested in Austin Botox treatments? Fill out the online form to the right or call (512) 459-6800 to schedule your free consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon.

With all of the technology and scientific advancements that have occurred in just the past decade, men and women now have more options than ever for facial rejuvenation in Austin. Non-invasive treatments like injectables and fillers have become increasingly popular in recent years. Nonsurgical options are particularly appealing because they require little to no downtime, are inexpensive and deliver effective, visible results.

Botox is the most popular non-invasive cosmetic procedure in the United States. Even during dismal economic times, demand for this treatment has remained steady and even increased. Most patients view consistent aesthetic treatments like Botox injections as a good investment in themselves, and with good reason. When the economy sputters and the job market becomes increasingly competitive, people seek every bit of competitive edge they can get. Aesthetic upkeep becomes a tool for professional self-preservation rather than a personal indulgence.

Many of our Austin Botox patients equate coming in for treatment a few times a year with their regular visits to their hair stylists for highlights. The injections are an indispensable part of their beauty regimen. Botox is an affordable means of improving your look without having to miss work for surgery. This is a much appreciated benefit to our female and male botox patients alike. The injections visibly soften wrinkles and crow’s feet around the eyes within 7 – 10 days after treatment, and the effects last anywhere from 4 – 6 months.

Austin Botox patients can expect to receive the following benefits from treatment:

  • Smoothing out of vertical furrows between the eyebrows (often referred to as scowl lines)
  • Softening of forehead lines, creating a more relaxed and youthful appearance
  • Reduction in the appearance of crow’s feet and fine lines around the eyes
  • Lifting of drooping, tired eyebrows for a more rested and refreshed look

Botox Treatment At Personique:

  • FDA-approved, purified protein is injected into the muscle that causes facial wrinkles
  • Procedure is performed by one of Personique’s board certified plastic surgeons
  • Entire procedure takes about 15 minutes after initial consultation
  • Patients can resume normal activity right away
  • Forehead lines = average of 20 units, though every person may require slightly different amount
  • Crow’s feet = average of 8-10 units per side, though every person may require slightly different amount
  • Your cost will be determined following a FREE consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon
  • We offer interest-free financing with approved credit

Complimentary Consultation

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